Solar Aviation Lights
Solar Helipad Light LI-07
Compliances: FAA Advisory Circular AC150/5370-2F ICAO Annex 14, Volume 1, 4th Edition, July 2004
Applications: Helipads Runway, Taxiway and Apron Edge
Solar Heliport Lights provides perimeter lighting for semi-permanent, temporary or emergency helipad touchdown and lift-off zones (TLOF).
The solar panel comes with LI-07 provides power supply to the light, which makes LI-07 a self contained and care-free light unit. Also, with the solar function, the light is easy to deploy to almost any condition and any emergency case. No specialized work crew required.
Solar Obstruction Light LI-07-SR
The Solar low-intensity LED obstruction lighting is an easy-to-install, low-maintenance package.
Meets ICAO requirements for Low-Intensity Obstacle Lights Type A and Type B, according to ICAO Annex 14, Volume 1, 5th Edition, July 2009 and 6th Edition, July 2013 (Red).
In-built ON/OFF switch, Steady/Flashing mode selection switch