Lighted LED Windcone HL-EWC/IWC

Externally Lighted LED Windcone
Internally Lighted LED Windcone

As pilots approach and depart from the helipad, knowing the wind speed and direction is crucial to their safe operations. Provides visual indication of wind direction and velocity at a location on an airfield and heliport.

FAA: L-806 AC 150/5345-27 (Current Edition)
FAA Engineering Brief 67


Windcones are used on smaller airfields, heliports and as supplemental wind indicators near runway touchdown areas on large airfields.

The base and pole are powder coated orange for high visibility and long-lasting protection. Windcone can be installed on any surface. Optional mounting base is available for structural connections.

The Internally lighted Wind Direction indicator comes as a full LED solution. The complete SS304 exterior and 360 degree rotatable top unit makes this wind direction indicator is ideal for heliports.

Our Wind Direction Indicator is produced according to our high quality standards. The Wind Direction Indicator is made from Aluminum or Stainless steel. The customer can choose between Unlighted, Internally Lighted, Externally Lighted or Solar Internally Lighted versions. Our wind direction indicators are sold with Full LED solution and low power consumption.

Technical Specifications
Height: 3.3 meter (L806 Size 1), 6.0 meter (L807 Size 1), 7.2 meter (L807 Size 2)
Powder coat painted orange colour (optional: Red & White powder coat painted)
Basket Diameter: 18″ (457.2 mm), 24” (609.6 mm), 36” (914.4 mm)
Windsock: Nylon fabric, double stitched, urethane coated and UV protected
Windsock Colour: Orange, Red & White
Size: 60” (1500 mm), 96” (2400 mm), 144” (3600 mm)
Easy installation and maintenance
Operating Voltage: 120-240VAC, 50/60Hz

Windcone HL-WC-L806/L807
